ICE-Blue is a 2, 3 column, tableless layout theme with an image/text banner and a top primary-links system. Here you can try a live demo
The D6 branch is developed as a subtheme of Zen.
Features of ICE-Blue 6.x
- Built-in image slideshow.
- Flexible 2 column system with 11 extra collapsible region with custom submit buttons.
- Function with legacy browsers, e.g. Firefox 4/5/6/7/8, IE 7/8/9, Chrome 9/10, Safari 3/4/5 and Opera 9/10
- Integrated rotating banners CSS based on Jquery Cycle Plugin
- Built-in IE transparent PNG fix
- Better css organization to improve theme customization
- 2 or 3 column layout
- Tableless design for SEO
- XHTML 1.0 and CSS 2.1 validated
- Primary links and secondary links
- 13 collapsible block regions
- Custom front page
- Supports custom logo and favicon
- Support features like site name, slogan, mission.
- Custom theme for login Box
- Custom theme for search Box
- Custom theme for submit buttons
- Heading H1 optimization for SEO
ICE-Blue use:
- jQuery pngFix Plugin by Andreas Eberhard
- jQuery cycle Plugin by Andreas Eberhard
Installation instructions for D6:
The ICE-Blue 6.x branch is developed as a subtheme of Zen.
Designed and developed By
Drupal Networks
In case you're wondering about Drupal Networks it's a Drupal distribution, provides professional website design, development and maintenance services.
See for more information.
Drupal Networks is a division of YAS Global.